
Holocom now offers the following services through its partnership with iGround:

Power quality and grounding/bonding training: A wide array of training classes that are conducted in open-enrollment format or custom-tailored to your personnel so they can learn all that is necessary to troubleshoot power and grounding issues that impact their specific job responsibilities. Courses have been taught world-wide and will provide the knowledge to identify problems, test for compliance, and maintain your sites regarding the issues of power quality, grounding, bonding, and many more.

Power site surveys and analysis: Experiencing unexplained equipment malfunctions or failures? Is the threat of lightning hanging over your site like a dark cloud? Worried for the safety of your employees or property? Concerned about the efficiency of your data center, telecommunications room, or other sensitive electronic equipment environment? Our detailed investigations can help you locate and solve problems with no interruption to your operation while providing cost-effective solutions!

For more information about these and other iGround services, visit iGround LLC and email us at [email protected] or call us at (888) 465-6266.